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Dec 3, 20242 min read
Thank you everyone
It is time to call a "time out" on Kavu Clothing. I am deeply saddened but extremely thankful for the opportunities my little company has...
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Jan 24, 20237 min read
We all know that sleep helps to restore our cells but what causes us to wake and then not be able to get back to sleep? It's been a...
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Nov 27, 20224 min read
So you're hot in bed? Congratulations!
Let's face it, it's no fun is it? It used to be a term we would all of been proud of in our youth, but it now brings to mind hot sweaty...
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Nov 21, 20226 min read
The 3 men in my life that make my Menopause easier
Wim Hoff: The Ice Man Why do I have a half naked man on a blog post? Well, I have a half naked man, in a frozen lake picture because this...
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Oct 18, 20222 min read
Feeling tired in menopause, try Chromium Picolinate. It boosted my energy levels in 3 weeks.
Howdy! all you menopause lovelies, Happy Menopause Day. I hope that you are navigating this menopause journey well. I've recently made a...
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Jun 7, 20222 min read
Thank you Living North Magazine
I'm not sure what to say so I will just say it, "Thank you, columnist Elizabeth Jospeph, for presenting me and my story about Kavu...
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Jul 28, 20212 min read
What do Lambs, selenium and Fibromyalgia have in common?
Can I tell you a story? It's a synchronicity between lambs, selenium and fibromyalgia. The rather wet lamb above is called Toe. He was...
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Jul 8, 20212 min read
Iodine can stop Night Sweats
Yes, you read that correctly: iodine can stop our horrendous night sweats! How can that be? I hear you ask. Well, I heard about the...
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Jan 17, 20212 min read
Breathe yourself healthy
I have never given breathing much consideration. I have read about the benefits of 'prana' in Sadhguru's book, "Inner Engineering" where...
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Jan 11, 20213 min read
Happy Pause ~ Balm from Australia
I'm so excited to announce that Happy Pause - Vaginal itch balm is here and available from our Kavu Clothing store. I know there will be...
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Nov 18, 20203 min read
10 veggies a day, the doctors way
To take advantage of the discount, click on this link: We all would like to eat more veg wouldn't we? But it is...
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May 29, 20200 min read
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May 12, 20201 min read
The Midas Touch
I think that someone has given me the Midas Touch for the week, and I thank them for it. Last night, to celebrate my successful sales...
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May 1, 20202 min read
Menopause materials
KAVU CLOTHING·FRIDAY, 1 MAY 2020· Have you heard of Dr Rashid A Buttar? You should get to know him, he is an amazing physician and author...
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Apr 14, 20201 min read
Remember what's important........
It's Easter Sunday, I'm looking out of my window and I'm delighted to see this beautiful ewe with her lamb. The lamb has been born during...
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Apr 14, 20202 min read
Eco awards and HOW IT WORKS
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is recognised as the world's leading processing standard for textiles made from organic...
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Mar 16, 20192 min read
Forget the plastic, use Corn instead
Are you sick of plastic? I am. Have you seen the disgusting images of our oceans strewn with plastic? I have. Now a clever company called...
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Nov 24, 20182 min read
Menopause: Time to start a new business
I have read and been inspired numerous times by the women entrepreneurs in the Woman and Home magazine, you know, those brave go getters...
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Nov 3, 20181 min read
More than night sweats for Guy Fawkes
As I sit here typing up my new website, I look out of the window and see the coolest Bonfire that I have ever seen produced by a small...
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Nov 3, 20181 min read
Natural menopause with Ayurveda
"Ayurveda is the art of daily living in harmony with the laws of nature. It is an ancient natural wisdom of health and healing, a science...
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